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@cubesquareredux There's an options menu button to the right which you can click to get various formats - see the arrow below.

I normally use the dark mode, but this options button is slightly less clear there (if you don't know to look for it) than in the light mode that I used for these screenshots…




—— Gary ——

Photo/Designer/Publisher: Affinity Store, v2.5.n release (and, since I have the space, the last v1 versions too).

Mac mini (M1, 2020), 16GB/2TB, macOS Sonoma
iPad Pro (M4) 13", 1TB, Apple Pencil Pro, iPadOS 17.6.1
MacBook Pro (Intel), macOS Sonoma
Windows 10 via VMware Fusion

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Thank you, @GaryLearnTech.

I had seen those pre-sets and, yes, I suppose that having them is better than having no pre-sets at all.

What I would prefer as a default is for the program to honor the Mac user's global date/time format preferences, in the same way that other well-behaved Mac applications do.

Using macOS 10.13.6 and Publisher 1.9.3

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