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Table with thicker stroke are aligned by the middle of the stroke when snap to guides in

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I create a Table and modify the stroke. Then align the table to a guide and it snaps at the middle of the stroke. To be correctly aligned, shouldn_t it snap to the outer border???

I searched n snapping manager for an option to change this behaviour, but didn't find.

Topic Table 01.jpg

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3 hours ago, mark us said:

I create a Table and modify the stroke. Then align the table to a guide and it snaps at the middle of the stroke. To be correctly aligned, shouldn_t it snap to the outer border???

I searched n snapping manager for an option to change this behaviour, but didn't find.

control panel "Table" > "Frame" > "Stroke:" > "Frame Stroke" > "Align:" > "Align Stroke to inside"

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5 hours ago, Michail said:

control panel "Table" > "Frame" > "Stroke:" > "Frame Stroke" > "Align:" > "Align Stroke to inside"

Thank you very much Michail. I didn't use "Frame Stroke", but "Stroke and Fill" < "Borders" < All

There, even with "Align stroke to inside" it didn't not work here.

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