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Brush Blend Modes Don't Do Anything When Editing a Mask

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If I'm editing a mask with a brush, then I would expect the blend modes to work like they do when I'm normally painting a layer. Examples include:

  • Brush with White Color and Overlay Blend Mode should help fill in white parts of the mask, without revealing/coloring parts that are already black.
  • Brush with Black Color and Overlay Blend Mode should help fill in black parts of the mask, without hiding/coloring parts that are already white. Works best with a low flow

For clarity, these do what I expect if I just paint with black and white on a normal pixel layer. But none of the blend modes do anything when painting on a mask.

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1 hour ago, GabrielM said:



Thanks for spotting this. I have logged it with our devs for future improvement.


Good. Could you please make sure that hotkey options are hooked up too? When tweaking  masks one needs to change between Normal and contrast enhancing blend modes pretty often. It was logical to use the oportunity to add hotkey-support to individual Layer blend modes too - Photoshop uses a well memorizable scheme for these.


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