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I am trying to do a simple thing with

- create a new document

- draw a text frame

- Insert text from a RTF file.

The results are strange:

Only a part of the text is pasted into the frame, altough the frame is much larger than the text.
There are two red triangles (impossible to find their meaning or behaviour in the help files).
The text is cut more or less at the level of the left triangle.
The lower triangle is associated with an "eye".
If you click on the eye, the rest of the text shows up below the frame. (initially hidden). If you click again the text below the frame disappears.Click again, back, etc


- is there a simple way to get a complete paste in one go ?
- what is the meaning/behaviour of the triangles ?

Please advise

Regards, Philippe

Publisher 1 7 133 texte frame bug.jpg


The red triangles indicate that text is overflowing from the text frame.

The eye shows or hides the over flowing text.

Try turning on Text > Show Special Characters to see whether you have a lot of Paragraph Marks or similar causing all the white space in the text frame.

Win10 Home x64   |   AMD Ryzen 7 2700X @ 3.7GHz   |   48 GB RAM   |   1TB SSD   |   nVidia GTX 1660   |   Wacom Intuos Pro


Dear Aammppaa, 

My text frame is wider and higher than the imported text. So no issue of size

I have found in the Publisher videos that the triangles allow to create another linked frame. They should be blue. But are red. Probably to warn that some text is hidden and moved out of thhe frame. This feature is not mentioned anywhere, I think. A little hover text would help in both cases.

The last character special character is "section break continouous" as per Word definition.
Affinity shows it as a down arrow
Word does not seem to care of this special character and behaves as a it does not exists.
Different interpretation by Publisher, the correct one, I guess.

If I delete this special character, some line formatting is lost in the process.
One way or another, this is an additional challenge if you want to import .rtf (workaround) or .docx files (one of my needs)

Affinity would do a great job in offering an import .docx with two options:
- "Microsoft behaviour" to get in Affinity a perfect lookalike of your Word document (easy road)
- "Industry standard behaviour" with solely correct interpretation of special characters (clean road)

Note: interesting feature of the text frames: a "mirror" function:
- If you move the left border over the right one,  the text is mirrored horizontally.
- If you move the below border over the upper one,  the text is mirrored upside down.

Thanks, Philippe

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