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All objects should be able to contain text

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In some vector graphics applications, for example Omnigraffle for the Mac, all objects with an area can contain text. Arrows can have labels, so technically, they contain text too. Even groups can have their own text. In addition, text boxes can be formatted with outlines and background colors, just like any other object.

This makes it a lot easier to label figures in diagrams and other drawings than the nested text box approach currently used by Designer and Photo.

Having a similar feature in Affinity Designer would be highly useful.

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On 9/23/2018 at 12:06 PM, dutchshader said:

Maybe in a future update, check out the publisher beta, i believe that what you want is allready possible in publisher 1.7

Yes, I checked. What's there is pretty much what I need in regard to text boxes. I just might come up with a few other suggestions...

I have tested the beta a little bit, by designing a poster for a photo exhibition. I really like the way it works. I won't lay out a book until I can anchor pictures in text flows though. It would not surprise me if that feature will be in the finished version. It is pretty much a must have for anything longer than 2-4 pages.

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