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Advice on printing please or is there a bug?

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I have designed a birthday card in Affinity Publisher beta for Mac with latest MacOS. It has 4 pages: the front cover page 1, inside pages 2 and 3, back page 4. it is A5 size with the intention to print it on a single pice of A4, double sided of course and fold it. I hope that's clear. I have a HP printer, Envy 5646. I go to print and to start with I don't get a preview. Change to 'Fit to Printable' and preview is shown. Shouldn't have to do that, should I? Then, when I click print, inside pages 2  and 3 are printed upside down compared with the outer pages 1 and 4. What do I need to do to correct this please?

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This is a bug on the Mac builds and has been reported a number of times. Without using Fit to printable the first page appears blank. Also the tiling models are not quite correct and can print upside down.

I will move your post to the bugs forum

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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