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Table Formats Bug

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Table Formats tab: when I try to modify a table format and either click or hit enter/return, it forces me to click or enter/return twice before the dialogue will close out, but then it generates two instances in the Table Formats list.  The screen clipping was the result of only three attempts of modifying and saving a table format.  As you can see it generated two per attempt.


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I started a new document.  Created a table.  Opened Table Formats.  Double clicked the default item in the list.  Made a change.  Hit OK.  The first time I did this just now, it worked fine.  Then the second and third times I tried I got doubles.  I would hit OK, the dialogue would flash and reappear slightly down-right of last position, create a new format, then hitting OK the second time to close the repeated dialogue, a second format appeared in the list.  I doubt the file itself would tell you much.  It just seems the OK dialogue doesn't fully accept the initial OK click.

Illustrator does the same double dialogue issue with creating swatches, but doesn't create a double item.



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