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Possible Bug - Adjustment - Black and White

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After downloading the most recent version of the beta - - in the Photo Persona, I found that the Black and White section of the Adjustment panel is not working as perhaps it should.


When I move the sliders nothing happens. I can, however, use the Picker to drag adjustments directly on the photo and the slider moves but entering percentages directly does not work and I can't seem to change color channels either.


Just a heads up as I'm sure you'll fix this.





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Alex, the B&W sliders don't work for me either.  The image can be tweaked OK from Curves, Brightness or Contrast.   You should post a BR (in fact, I will post a BR  B) )

Retina iMac (4K display, 1TB SSD, 16GB RAM) OS X 10.11.6  Capture One 10.


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