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Move & Node Tools

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Please add option like in PS to make move tool select either just groups or layers. It is impossible now to marque select multiple items in a group. Af Designer will just select the group instead. I have to ungroup to do that and then group again.


Also for the Node tool please add option + click(or some other shortcut) to select all nodes in a shape. Like in AI :)




UI Designer, CG Artist


Macbook Pro 15" 2014

2.5 Ghz, 750M



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Hi 00Ghz,

Double-click one of the objects in the group to select it, then shift+click to select/add more without having to ungroup. Maybe pressing the shift key here could be extended to allow dragging a marque around group elements besides clicking on them.


You can also select them directly in the Layers panel.

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Yes I noticed the shift key. But I don't want to press shift key all the time. Usually I don't require selecting the entire group, but just the individual elements. 


As for the layer panel if you have LOTS of layers it is very cumbersome to select. Have an idea btw taken straight from modo hierarchy view. Select something in the canvas/viewport and then in the layer panel press F and it will automatically focus and scroll to it. That would be a huge time saver.

UI Designer, CG Artist


Macbook Pro 15" 2014

2.5 Ghz, 750M



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