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Good afternoon,


It's strange no one answers my question on this forum. Maybe someone sees my topic here and answers my simple question. I want to make a frame around my picture like this http://www.plantennamen.info/beekpunge-veronica-beccabunga

In the passed I used Photoshop. I just resized my picture and made the canvas 5 px bigger. Because the Photoshop app of Apple was a big mistake I am thinking of buying this beautiful program. But only if I can make a simple frame.


Regards, Maarten

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Hello quantz,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

Sorry about the delay replying to you.

Here's a quick way to do it:

- Create a new layer (it will be used to fill with the colour you want for the frame)

- go to Document -> Resize Canvas... and add the value you want for the frame size to both fields (for example 50px to both width and weight which translates in 25px around the image) - currently you have to press Enter for Affinity to accept the values

- set both Anchor values to Middle and press Resize

- fill the layer you just created with the colour you want


If you just want to add a thin line around the image:

Select the image layer in the Layers panel a give it a stroke with the width you want. You may also want to align the stroke to Outside from the Stroke width panel so it doesn't cover the image.

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  • 11 months later...

This post was Feb 2015    Old!    And did not work for me.    How about an updated description that will work today, Thur FEB 4th, 2016


Quote:  go to Document -> Resize Canvas... and add the value you want for the frame size to both fields (for example 50px to both width and weight which translates in 25px around the image) - currently you have to press Enter for Affinity to accept the values

- set both Anchor values to Middle and press Resize

- fill the layer you just created with the colour you want


If you just want to add a thin line around the image:

Select the image layer in the Layers panel a give it a stroke with the width you want. You may also want to align the stroke to Outside from the Stroke width panel so it doesn't cover the image.

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