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Print Image Layout feature

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This is something that I'm fairly sure that even Photoshop doesn't have, if it does I haven't found it.


In my very old copy of Paintshop Pro Anniversary Edition there is a feature where you can open various images on the left in the sidebar, and drag them and arrange them at the required size on the sheet of paper to the right.  This is wonderful for creative students (such as myself at the moment) as they can fit as many images as possible on one sheet of paper to cut out later and are not restricted to the Print Contact Sheet as in Photoshop, where all photos must be of the same size and lined up regimented in rows.  


It would be wonderful if PhotoAffinity could have this feature.

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  • 1 year later...

Well. I Contact sheet as in Photoshop will be very good “as is”. But that is an interesting option.

Graphic designer from Bilbao (Spain) FreeHand forever. Affinity Designer rocks! - Diseñador gráfico de Bilbao (España). FreeHand forever. Affinity Designer ¡mola!

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Count me in for this - I'm about to suggest another "target document" feature but this is an excellent idea too.  Especially when you work on multiple images, a method to put many on a single page would be excellent.

Regards, Binc


Warning: dark, twisted sense of humour.  Do not feed after midnight.

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