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I have both an iPad and an iPad Pro.

On the iPad I can still Place images from Dropbox exactly as they should be.

And until tonight, I could do the same on the iPad Pro.  Now the Placed image is coming in cropped (like a square cut out of the full image) and magnified...sometimes magnified to point of pixelation.

I checked that the Preferences are the same on both.

I may have altered something but I don't know what...any suggestions?


Attached:  After Placing the cluster of yellow and red tulips on background (single tulip), it looked like the green leaves and is the same size as the layer below.



1C;uster befpre {;ace.png

2C;uster after place.png

Background .png

  • Staff


Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

The image being placed is too large for the size of the canvas. You can either zoom out considerably until you can see the image bounding box on the pasteboards area (the grey area around the canvas) and use the Move Tool to scale it down (dragging one of the corner handles) or instead of tapping once to place the image on canvas after selecting it, tap and drag instead to set the size that the image will be inserted.


Thank you.  I rescaled both images to same dimensions and resolution and it works.

Previously, the size of the background layer was working like a clipping mask.


Do images need to be resized before placing?  

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