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¿HowTo: See artwork not on the "canvas"...

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Sorry if this has been asked before and/or obvious. But I can't find how to see the artwork that I drag off the "canvas" or "dartboard" or "page" when it's not selected.


And I often drag stuff out there that I'm not wanting to see for a bit, or otherwise mess around with placements and iterative designs stuff.


Here's what I'm talking about in images... in the top image I've got it selected, so can see it. But when it's deselected, there's no hint that there's even anything out to the left of the "page".





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Can you do "switches" out of keys.


Example of what I mean....


The spacebar (holding it down) brings up the Pan/Hand tool. Why not remove the need to (trackpad) double click to tap select/hold the view to pan it. 


I'm holding down the space bar, there's nothing else I'm wanting to do whilst holding this down, other than pan. So why require a mouse click? I hold down space bar, now any movements I make with the mouse or on the trackpad are panning the view around, surely that's easier/faster ... or am I missing something?


The pasteboard could be the same. Most of the time I don't need to see what's out there, but when I do, I do. So, for example, imagine if the caps lock key (the only switch on a keyboard) in an on state = see pasteboard content, whilst caps lock off means can't see it, but it's still there.


Or a more general key. Something like the F key that juggles like a multi-mode switch in Photoshop between different view states.

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