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Just purchased Affinity Photo. Stuck...bug or user problem? I can pass PHOTOS image to Affinity OK. If I don't 'flatten' before I 'save' it, machine locks up. If I 'flatten' it first and then 'save', nothing happens and image is not handed back to iMac PHOTOS as expected.




iMac high Sierra current version

  • Staff

Hi PaulD,

Welcome to the forums.

So far I can't reproduce the issue on my High Sierra system, using File > Close or File > Save As the image is handed back to Photos with the adjustments. Could you take me through the exact process starting with the type of image and the adjustments being applied.


Hi Lee D, Thanks for your response.


I have been calling Affinity Photo by 'right clicking' on PHOTOS image. It appears I must go to PHOTOS 'edit' and call from (circle...), then select 'Edit with Affinity"' This calls up Affinity and I can make changes, 'Adj layer>White adj, .etc.Then'Flatten'> save>close. This takes me back to PHOTOS and I must click 'Save Changes'.


Is this the correct procedure,? Am I missing something here?  I like your program and want to use it. It is far superior to Adobe product (s).

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