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Colorizing Astronomical Images? (Really, just pasting into color channels)

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I've been playing with the beta and getting frustrated because it seems like the ability to do what I want is there, but I can't get it to work.


I'm an astronomer and part of my work is making composite color images of the objects that I observe.  Professional astronomical images are always greyscale images taken in a particular color of light.  In order to make a color image then, you (in photoshop at least) copy three individual greyscale images into the RGB color channels, make sure that the stars are aligned, and then adjust the color balance between the channels.


While I see that Affinity Photo has the ability to display the RGB channels, I'll be damned if I can paste my individual images into them.


Also, I ran into a problem with the 16-bit tiff greyscale images that I was using.  When Affinity Photo read them in, they got chopped into four rows and the rows were displayed in random order.  Other programs (like Preview) had no problem displaying them.


So, is there some trick to actually using the color channels?

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It seems we have not written the code to paste onto an existing layer. Sorry, this is an oversight that will be rectified soon.


If you feel like sending one of your problem tiffs to support@seriflabs.com that would be very helpful.




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I am an astronomer and a newbie to Affinity. As other people before I want to paste different greyscale images into the three color channels.  This a frequent operation to do. Affinity seems to be really what I need, but only if this feature is available.

Any help is appreciated.


Herbert Sauber

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