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Layers panel

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I am brand new to Affinity and hence new to the UI so there may well already be a way to do this, but I have not found it yet.


I work on a 15" MacBook Pro Retina and have the resolution set to Best For Retina. But when I am working in Affinity I find there is not very much room to display any layers that I have in use. I tried to collapse the Histogram to provide more more but could not find any way to do that.


Is there some way to collapse the histogram display so as to provide more display room for the layers list?

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Hello MikeFromMesa,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

Double-click the "Histogram" word on the top of the Histogram panel. It should collapse it.

Yes. Thank you. That worked.


I guess there will be a lot for me to learn in the next couple of weeks before I can use this editor efficiently.

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