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Colour-Swatches don't look as they should

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Hi there,


I have an CMYK-dokument an tried to make my own swatch palette for the most used colours. Easy to do but strange behavior. I used the Colour Chooser and mixed my "Poisengreen" with 60C100Y and dropped it to the swatches and named it. Then I  mixed another one "Grasgreen" with 70C100Y - I saw a little difference in the Colour Chooser but no difference in the swatch I added to my "Poisengreen". Ok, nearly the same colour - give "Green" with 100C100Y a chance. Again in the Colour Chooser it looks nearly like what I expected, but the swatch didn't recognize it if I want to add it.


Also if I mix colours in the Colour Chooser the colour preview in the box after the CMYK sliders updates as it should. The preview in the circle of the swatches jumps and it looks like it uses a fixed colour palette for displaying (like the Aplle crayon - you see the difference in the screenshot) instead of live update as with the sliders. So I had 3 greens with different values but the same look in my swatches.


If I use a totally different colour it updates, but again the colours in the swatches don't match exaktly what is displayed in the sliders.


Any idea what can I do to solve this, it is time consuming to check for the values of a swatch by likewise colours :(





PS: Colour wishlist

- it should be possible to sort swatches (a later added green will be anywhere but not on with the others)

- it should be possible to display the swatches among each other followed by it's name/value



iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017), i7 4.2, Radeon 580 Pro 8 GB, 40 GB DDR4-RAM, 1 TB Flash, macOS 10.14.6

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Thanks for the tipps. I loaded the beta and yes - the colour swatches do as they should - yip LIKE IT! :)

And the swatches as a list - totally overlooked it - oh man, that's it!


Thanks again guys :)



iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017), i7 4.2, Radeon 580 Pro 8 GB, 40 GB DDR4-RAM, 1 TB Flash, macOS 10.14.6

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