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Within Affinity Designer 1.5.4, I opened an Illustrator CC (.ai) file that was saved with PDF content.  Within the "PDF Options" dialog, at the bottom it said I had a missing font (a Japanese font).  I clicked on the Replacement Family popup but could not find the font so I just clicked the Open button.  The document opened with all text that used that "missing" font converted to a generic font.  I then choose the Text tool and selected some of that text, and I then clicked on the Font popup in the upper left.  Low and behold, there was my "missing" font within that popup.  Selecting the font made the selected text look normal again, albeit with messed up kerning.  So wouldn't you say this be a bug?  For truly, if the font is really there (and since I proved that after opening the file), the very fact Affinity Designer said the font was missing seems like a bug to me.


I now have a related question.  In Illustrator whenever this sort of thing happens, after I open a document I can then easily click on the Type menu and choose "Find font..."  That opens the Font Font dialog which gives me an at-a-glance overview of all the fonts in the document, showing me which is missing (if any).  I can then quickly and easily choose a font to substitute from the bottom half of that dialog, and with a mere click of the "Change All" button, I can substitute my replacement font throughout the document.  How does one accomplish that using Affinity Designer?  Surely there must be an easy way to tell Affinity Design how to substitute fonts throughout a document?


Thank you.

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Could you provide the file that opened with this bug so I can look into wether or not this is a bug and needs logging? There isn't a facility in Affinity that will allow you to replace missing fonts once you have opened the file I'm afraid. I recommend making a post on our Feature Requests page if you would like to see this added :)



Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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Because I wanted to send you the font too, I put the Illustrator file and the font file in a ZIP and sent that to you via PM (Conversation).


And yes, I would love to see the "replace missing fonts" feature added to your Feature Requests page!



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  • 2 weeks later...



I was missing several fonts too and discovered that they are not listed alphabetically (they're listed at the end of the font list). In other programs they're listed correctly.


It's not all that uncommon for font lists to be subjected to case-sensitive sorting, where the uppercase font names are listed first and then the lowercase ones (which are few and far between) are listed below that, but it's easy to get caught out by this if you don't know to look for it.

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)

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I was missing several fonts too and discovered that they are not listed alphabetically (they're listed at the end of the font list). In other programs they're listed correctly.

Ooops, I got the wrong thread. I thought I was replying to a thread about missing fonts in the font list, not in a PDF-file. Sorry!  :blink:


It's not all that uncommon for font lists to be subjected to case-sensitive sorting, where the uppercase font names are listed first and then the lowercase ones (which are few and far between) are listed below that, but it's easy to get caught out by this if you don't know to look for it.

Yes, I didn't know that I had to look for it (I'm new to programs like AD).

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 I have attempted to recreate the issue but my system isn't recognising the font that you sent me. Which operating system do you use?




I use the font on my late 2015 5K iMac running MacOS Sierra.  I've used that font on Macs through many versions of OS X without problem.  The font should work fine on any Mac.  Keep in mind that it is a Japanese font though.

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