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when I import an OpenEXR file into Affinity, I get a separate layer for every color channel (so for example, for the reflection component of the image, I get 3 grayscale layers labeled "Reflection.(red)", "Reflection(blue)" and "Reflection(green)". Which is probably because that is how the 3D software (Cinema 4d) exports it.

But is there a quick way to combine these 3 monochrome layers back into one RGB layer, maybe even have that option on import? Or is that already possible somehow?



  • Staff

Hey Sven, thanks for posting - we're aware of this, Cinema4D's multichannel export doesn't follow the official OpenEXR spec, so it's something that we missed this time around. There are plans to try and increase compatibility with how different software handles multichannel documents, so do look out for updates there.


It's a bit fiddly but there is a way to combine your monochrome images into an RGB pixel layer. What you'll want to do is select each layer and on the Channels panel, right click the pixel name's red/green/blue channel - eg if your layer name is Reflection.(red) it will be called "Reflection.(red) Red". Choose Create Spare Channel and it will copy that channel into the channels panel below.


Once you've done this for all three layers, create a new pixel layer. Right click Pixel Alpha and choose fill (this just fills it with pure white so it's visible). Now right click each spare channel and choose "Load to Pixel Red/Green/Blue".


I've recorded a short video demonstrating this if it's helpful: https://youtu.be/gF2u5qoJ8L8

@JamesR_Affinity for Affinity resources and more
Official Affinity Photo tutorials


Thanks James, that's very helpful indeed. I tried messing with the channels but couldn't figure out how to combine the layers.

But if there was a sort of "auto-combine" for the OpenEXR channels in a future version, that would be great :)

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