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I just opened today Nov.29 my purchased AD for Win and it showed the update available notice. I then downloaded it then went to install. I was given an option to Repair or Remove. Since Repair was the default, I did that. I then opened AD and, again, it presented the update notice. So I went back to the download, curiously of the same version number as the installed (purchased) app.


This time I selected Remove, thinking it might be a prelude to a complete replacement during the installation routine. Nope. So this time in installing, I had to input my full credentials again. I'm sure something is amiss for this clumsy process to have happened.


Is this because I didn't uninstall the Beta? There was no instruction to do so when I purchased the full version, so I thought it would just overwrite as it had the same version sequence. I see Beta in my Programs still ,but I want to be sure of the proper routine to address this dilemma before I simply uninstall the Beta. Can someone recommend the path from here?



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I also encounter these false updates with the choices of Repair or Uninstall.


I've completely uninstalled Affinity Designer and reinstalled the final release but I still have these false update dialogs. Perhaps this is a bug in the update process?


Otherwise I'm happy with Affinity Designer!





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