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Ian Doughy,


Welcome to the Serif Affinity forums. :)


In the Photo beta forum, pinned to the top is an installation FAQ thread. in that at the bottom of the first post is a link to a relevant work around.

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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If it is only for the background color, this is easy to fix, and still using Aero. : Once activated Aero, right click over any place which is empty (no icons below) in your desktop, and hit "customize" (otherwise, go to Start menu, Control panel (Windows Settings, I mean), there click the icon "customize" ).  A new Window appears, there, click on an icon (at the bottom left) which says "Desktop Background". A new Window appears,  you have like a deployable list now at the top. Deploy it, so that you don't choose one of the images, you must select there the option "SOLID COLORS".  Once done that, a list of colors will appear, being Black the first one. Just pick it. What is more, you can even configure the appearance further, but I wouldn't touch more  options in that window, for now. 


This way you have Aero and a black desktop background.  If I understood you well. 


You can also deactivate more Aero's features (a link in my signature) . You might want to ask for help of someone around if are not too expert in this with Windows System.


Just to make it very direct, the link mentioned above to use Affinity software without Aero (imho not a good idea to use this software), though :  



AD, AP and APub V2.5.x. Windows 10 and Windows 11. 


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