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[AP] Draw in the panorama in multilayer mode.

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Hello everybody.


To get started please excuse my basic English (thanks to the automatic translator)


This is my first post here and I have a request after a small disappointment in my first test of Affinity Photo.


I'm an hobbyist illustrator and I also done animations on another program called Moho.
In Moho there is the possibility of spherical panoramas used as décorations, and from there came to me the idea of drawing my own panoramic scenery.
But I have never found of drawing programs that would give me that ability.
I was very excited about seeing that AF gave the possibility to draw directly in an environment of spherical panorama.
but the problem is that this is only possible on a single layer, and I need to use that picture guide on top which I could draw my decorations.


Why not let the possibility of putting the live projection on a folder containing several layers?


Some examples of what I'd like to be able to do under Affinity Photo:
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Welcome to the Serif affinity forums :)
Thanks for the suggestion, and accompanying videos. I should think that the editing of panoramas would improve in the future.
I deleted your duplicate thread as requested,

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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  • 2 months later...

I was about to post my own feature request, but this is basically the same thing.


Sometimes I like to add a watermark to the nadir of my equirect pano's, but I would like the watermark to stay on a separate layer. In Photoshop I use Flexify to place and transform the watermark using the "zenith and nadir" projection (that's another thing, can we get Flexify to work :) ). Also it would be good if we could snap the view to zenith or nadir.




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