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Hi, the company I work at is trying to move from adobe over to affinity but we're getting an issue with printing. We use Roland UV Printers and we print onto Lego pieces but using the PDFs exported from Affinity the colours are coming out darker and more faded than when we used PDFs saved from Adobe Illustrator. Is there some kind of ICC profile or colour setting that might help in this situation? Thanks.

I am currently using a Roland LEF 2-200 UV printer.

  • Staff

Hi @Finlay55555 welcome to the forums,

If you could upload a copy of an affinity-exported PDF, as well as one previously exported from Illustrator, we can look at comparing the embedded ICC profiles within the files and confirm any potential factors contributing to the print colour differences.



Before even attempting to download either of those files, it’s immediately noticeable that one is 6.5 MB whilst the other is only 430 KB.

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)

  • Staff

Many thanks. Initial observation via Acrobat object inspector is that the Illustrator PDF does not contain any embedded ICC profiles, just generic CMYK whereas the affinity export has U.S Web coated SWOP (V2) embedded. Not sure what export preset or settings you used in Publisher, but I'd recommend unchecking 'Embed Profiles' in the 'Advanced' section on PDF export. This should just export with a generic CMYK profile similar to Illustrator's output.


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