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Picture overflows out of Textflowfield

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Hi there, i currently have this small issue that pictures overflow out of my textflowfield. Is there an option to limit the pictures? I don't want to manually refit all pictures after i added a small change.

On the picture you see my Textflow Field, marked in blue lines. The picture is anchored to the headline, after adding a bunch of new text it overflows below the Textflow Field instead of going on a second page.




Any help would be appreciated, maybe my workflow is just faulty.

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What app are you using? If is not one of the Affinity ones, is there some reason you are posting here?

All 3 1.10.8, & all 3 V2.5.6 Mac apps; 2020 iMac 27"; 3.8GHz i7, Radeon Pro 5700, 32GB RAM; macOS 10.15.7
ll 3 V2 apps for iPad; 6th Generation iPad 32 GB; Apple Pencil; iPadOS 15.7

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Hi @Raccoon2709, welcome to the Affinity Forums!

22 hours ago, Raccoon2709 said:

On the picture you see my Textflow Field, marked in blue lines. The picture is anchored to the headline, after adding a bunch of new text it overflows below the Textflow Field instead of going on a second page.

Your screenshot doesn't tell much and your description is not sufficient. For the forum it is required to see the hierarchical arrangement of layout objects in the Layers Panel, not just a screenshot of 1 headline + 1 image. Also it is useful and most often necessary to have a relevant object selected + show its related Panels and/or its current settings in the Context Toolbar, in this case the pinned object, its anchor + the Pinning Panel.

From your vague description it seems you haven't opened/used the Pinning Panel yet? This has settings for distances and flow which are relevant to know or understand what's happening in your specific situation.

If you anchor the image to the headline it only flows when the position of the headline changes – not if you add text after the headline (= after the image).

Possibly you try the option "Inline" for the nested image instead of "Float". It works without an anchor [which could be anywhere within a text frame, independent of the position of the pinned object] but keeps a pinned object at a specific position within the text frame and between two specific characters. Therefore 'Inline' forces the flow of the object if text changes, – other than "Float" which only flows if its anchor flows (= gets moved).

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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Good Morning,


thank you for your reply. Sorry that my explanation was a bit cheap. But you are right, i did not see the Pinning Panel and enabled it now. I had the picture pinned in the text but it overflowed my textfield to the bottom when i added text. Its important for processes here, since I'm not the only one working on the project and i don't want to refit all my pictures.

I've now changed the Baseposition to Underline and it works correctly now. But with pinning i lose the textwrap option or im missing something again?

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5 hours ago, Raccoon2709 said:

I've now changed the Baseposition to Underline and it works correctly now. But with pinning i lose the textwrap option or im missing something again?

I guess you mean "Baseline", not "Underline" (which is a character style attribute like this).

The text wrap options depend on your pinning method. Initially you mentioned…

On 11/29/2024 at 2:39 PM, Raccoon2709 said:

The picture is anchored to the headline

… while an "anchor" is available only for "Float" pinning which optionally may get TextWrap activated or not. So I assumed you had text warp activated.

Other then "Float" the "Inline" pinning does not need to get text wrap activated manually. Pinning "Inline" treats the pinned object like a text character and therefore it forces a kind of "auto-wrapping" like any character does "wrap" its neighbours.

I think you should show screenshots of your various settings of the involved objects (text, image), each with the according interface panels (Layers, Pinning, Context Toolbar) AND the relevant objects selected with with their according tool (Move Tool, Text Tool). – It may be easier to create and upload a video where you demonstrate the settings in the various panels AND switch your object selection.

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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