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Assigned Scale to Print

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Hi, in affinity designer i make a new document from the clipboard where the clipboard is a copied raster image, then i use the measuring tool to assign a scale by a known mm length of something in the image. From theron, when i measure something using the measure tool, the readout is correct. Now i want to export as pdf and when i use the measure tool in acrobat, it should read the same mm as the assigned scale readouts did. I am failing however to get this to work as the measuring tool in acrobat gives something entirely different. Can anyone explain the steps ?Thanks 

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Hi @Tiaan,

When you export the PDF please use the PDF for Export preset and do not change the DPI settings and in the Advance section of the export screen in the Rasterise field select Nothing and deselect the Allow JPEG compression and this will create a PDF with the dimensions of your document.

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On 9/8/2024 at 10:39 PM, Tiaan said:

i make a new document from the clipboard where the clipboard is a copied raster image, then i use the measuring tool

Note that the command "New From Clipboard" creates a document with the resolution of 96 DPI, regardless of the resolution of the document with the copied objects. This may result in differing object resolution and physical sizes (in, mm) while the pixel sizes (px) of the objects remain the same.

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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