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Photo, Designer, and Publisher consistently Crashing

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Have been using iPad Pro v.3 256G (with still approx. 100G free)… utilizing Photo, Designer, and Publisher for months without issue, and now is consistently crashing regardless of which being used. 

Though it was at first simply overextending the Apps, graphics-wise or large file sizes- numerous Layers, Adjustments, complex procedures  or what have you…but now is simply when performing what is regular or normal Use or Editing type tasks.

Like making edits to Text used, or Adjustment Layers, or even after finishing working on something say in Publisher and using the Hand Tool to view the Document and such.

It was happening sporadically at first. Where I’d be doing more intensive work performance, and figured was just too much for it to handle- which is odd, because never had issues prior.

Installed the IOS 17.1 update that came out just the day before…and now is more consistently crashing. Have performed numerous Hard Resets, clearing memory cashes I know of, but still persists.

Figure that the update might have something to do with it increasing perhaps (?), but definitely needs some fixes beyond that because it was doing so prior to updating. But is now has become very problematic, even in doing simple tasks over duration.

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On 11/20/2023 at 10:24 AM, Lee D said:

@StudioJason It could be performance related, specifically memory/RAM usage.
Any particular workflows/files that seem to cause an issue for you in general since the update? So we can try replicating them to try and narrow down a cause for the developers to take a look at.

Well, quite honestly it can be sporadic, or independent of any specific workflow. But it does consistently crash especially using Publisher.
When utilizing Text …Text Editing or Formatting in Publisher (trying out different versions, etc), which I also seems to have a completely different look than before. 
Previously, it had an Alphabetic Scroll Bar on the side (could Tap the letter to advance instead of scrolling, now have to scroll entire list every time)….but now has no Alphabetic List on the side, with only a Previously Used’-type section along the top (they were simply at the top of the list). 
When opening the Text Layer, and Selecting a Font, it seems to pause half a second and flicker before opening….which also, sputters from a dark background, to a lighter one (barely noticeable but there).



Then it can crash depending on what kind of workflow I am doing within either of the Apps (Photo, Des, Pub)…but is sporadic. 
When involved in heavy workflows….such as high graphic images, Layer amounts, Adjustments etc., I can understand. 
But it can sporadically occur when doing something simple as Switching Panels, Selecting a Tool, and others.

Sorry to be without further specific instances, as for the most part…things have been working great and absolutely love using the all of the Apps, but just has become more frequent.

Affinity Photo, which I use more heavily …seems to run just fine, even with heavy workloads (graphics, Layers etc), so if it happens to crash I pretty can figure I’m over doing something.
The biggest culprits are Publisher, followed by Designer. But they all have been acting rather quirky since the iOS 17.1 update.

But this is my Current Used and Free Storage Space.
Since, I’m on iPad Pro…not sure how to get you a Log Report, but will if I can.



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  • 4 weeks later...

So the issue still persists, and is more prevalent and rampant now. 
Publisher continuously crashes upon doing simple Editing of Text within Text Frames. 
Am able to make 3-6 edits of text within a 40 page Document… and then it crashes. Repeatedly. 
Cannot even work on the Document basically. 
Submitted a screenshot of my available Free/Used Gigs (above, which is the same)… which should be well over plenty needed. 
The Document has several images, but no more than seen in any other examples similar… and even the Text is limited. 

Was asked earlier about workflows… which I’ve now given several examples and descriptions of, but it isn’t anything more drastic than basic functions that should be capable of performing… especially since they were prior. (Other than what I’ve given, unsure what else I can offer but would if I could). 

‘Has been about a month now, and have heard no response… which is highly disconcerting.

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  • Staff

As there doesn't seem to be any particular workflow used that we can use to replicate the issues you're having. Since some seems to involve text, is the text is being imported from another file/app? If so, what's the source as it could be related to a formatting issue.

We're limited in what can be suggested to try and reduce the issues, but here are some general things to try.

  • If you've installed any extra fonts within our app, try uninstalling any unwanted ones.
  • If any documents have any linked resources that are cloud based, try embedding them or moving the source files to local storage and relinking.
  • Try resetting the app to default settings, when the app is starting double tap the splash screen. This will show the reset options, for a generic reset, just tap Reset
  • You can also try fully removing the app from your device and doing a restart. Once rebooted, download the apps again from the App Store.
  • The iPad does store crash reports, which you can retrieve by following the steps in this FAQ article to then send in. They can sometimes help to narrow down a possible cause.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I can't offer a workflow description for every case as it randomly happens but I have the same problem as the OP. 

Working on an iPad Pro v3 and iOS 17.1.2., AP is up-to-date with

Happens with AD and AP and I can't figure out a pattern/trigger as the situations vary. 

It happens while

  • brushing on a layer (randomly after I had already painted for some while)
  • switching layers
  • using the color slider and pipette
  • typing values in a panel
  • switching tools
  • opening a document

From 256 GB I have 128 GB free and I only use the iPad in addition to the macbook for drawing and don't use any large other apps, it's mainly Affinity installed.

This might be worth an extra thread but as it fits to that and often is the prelude to a crash:

Brushes start lagging out of no reason. I am using everything as intended for some while and then out of a sudden I paint "empty" on a layer, nothing visible. So I zoom in and out (with lags as well), all tools stop working/freeze, the layer becomes visible and I can finally see what I painted, then I try to paint again and the document crashes.

The lagging of the brush does not always lead to a crash but very often. It costs me so much time and is beginning to become a problem for my work-schedule and respectively also the money. 

While the brush lag is a real problem itself it is most likely connected to the crashing issues the software has on the iPad.

I would so love to keep drawing on the iPad instead of my wacom tablet as it is more intuitive for illustrators in theory. But practically I had to create so many workarounds to be able to make basic drawing at all. For example I have to exclude every larger group in my file to a new linked document so I am able to use the main document on the iPad at all and be able to paint "live" on a layer. Also I must not refresh the links on AP on iPad because it causes embedding instead of keeping my intended link - which bloats my document again. Took me hours of try and error to find that out. 

To say it shortly: Please work on the general performance on the iPad. I have no time to send you example videos as I am struggling with getting my work finished (and also the crashes and bugs happen randomly I would have to record quite some time and invest a lot of work just to make a report that probably has nothing to do with my pretty standard usage of the program) but I think the hints you get from different users are reason and explanation enough to thoroughly check the general performance.  

Thank you!




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Oh and I would like to add:

it has nothing to do with my files. I had crashes after opening AP and AD (haven't used publisher in a while so maybe it would appear there, too) when all work files were closed. Same for the brushes lag. It appears in documents of any size and amount of layers, tried new blank documents and had the same. It randomly appears and works a while after a crash/restart until the next lag. 

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On 12/18/2023 at 3:18 AM, Lee D said:

As there doesn't seem to be any particular workflow used that we can use to replicate the issues you're having. Since some seems to involve text, is the text is being imported from another file/app? If so, what's the source as it could be related to a formatting issue.

We're limited in what can be suggested to try and reduce the issues, but here are some general things to try.

  • If you've installed any extra fonts within our app, try uninstalling any unwanted ones.
  • If any documents have any linked resources that are cloud based, try embedding them or moving the source files to local storage and relinking.
  • Try resetting the app to default settings, when the app is starting double tap the splash screen. This will show the reset options, for a generic reset, just tap Reset
  • You can also try fully removing the app from your device and doing a restart. Once rebooted, download the apps again from the App Store.
  • The iPad does store crash reports, which you can retrieve by following the steps in this FAQ article to then send in. They can sometimes help to narrow down a possible cause.



Seeing as the one of the biggest culprits in crashing is Publisher, which is mostly about Text it is rather surprising it is an issue at all. 
Also, take note of what Devendra has added to this post with examples. 
‘It is sporadic and too difficult to determine what the cause or triggers for this can be. 
Have given examples multiple times, especially regarding Text functionality even since the Chinese Characters replacing simple font names was an issue… which although fixed STILL replaces Font names in the list with other Font types.
‘It is NOT having to do with RAM as there is plenty (just as described by Devendra)… nor with files that are used or created. 
‘Not to mention what is described in her/his post in regards to AP or AD

  • brushing on a layer (randomly after I had already painted for some while)
  • switching layers
  • using the color slider and pipette
  • typing values in a panel
  • switching tools
  • opening a document

It is simply too sporadic even with those, which was never the case in V1… nor initially in V2, only having cropped up since the iOS 17 Update

‘Plus given the fact that I can only use Publisher itself incrementally before it crashes, have virtually not been able to use… or finish projects, resulting in lost revenue opportunities (much less having to wait for support). 

‘Given that these latest recommendations you have given are the only options available… then of course I’ll have to try them. 
But it seems ultimately with any extended time use of the App itself, more than anything… which even then is just as sporadic, as sometimes it can be over 30 minutes of use or incredibly only 5 minutes!
‘I’m just amazed at how much Dev attention and implementations are given to the Desktop version… but lack thereof is given to your own iPad versions.

It is becoming highly disappointing. 

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Update: 1/12/24

After posting the above response, I went and first saved files within Publisher to another folder and then Deleted the App completely. 
Reinstalled Publisher, and then underwent the process of re-saving files to be used in Publisher from their location. 
Began working on the Document previously mentioned- there are no Linked Files, all are Embedded just as they were prior. 
Worked at simple Editing Text within Text Frames, as well as separate Artistic Text headlines for a period of approximately 15-20 minutes… and the App completely crashed.

Update 1/12/24- After the first Crash, opened Publisher to work on Document. 
Within 5 minutes of editing… the App crashed.

The only thing other than what I have already elaborated on to offer is this new Log that was saved, the previous “reason: locally requested” is my actual closing of the App…. last input being simply opening the App again, with nothing about the actual Crash itself.

[2024-01-12T15:26:50.287-0500] Initialising IPC for Affinity Publisher
[2024-01-12T15:26:50.636-0500] [Client] Starting IPC connection management
[2024-01-12T15:26:50.636-0500] [Client] Attempting to start local server...
[2024-01-12T15:26:50.637-0500] [Server] Started
[2024-01-12T15:26:50.656-0500] [Client] Local server has started; attempting to connect to it...
[2024-01-12T15:26:50.658-0500] [Server] Got new client 2 ("Affinity Publisher")
[2024-01-12T15:26:50.658-0500] [Client] Connected to server
[2024-01-12T15:27:14.056-0500] [Client] Stopping IPC connection management
[2024-01-12T15:27:14.057-0500] [Server] Lost client 2
[2024-01-12T15:27:14.057-0500] [Client] Disconnected from server
[2024-01-12T15:27:14.062-0500] [Server] Stopped (reason: LocallyRequested)
[2024-01-12T15:27:43.198-0500] [Client] Starting IPC connection management
[2024-01-12T15:27:43.198-0500] [Client] Attempting to start local server...
[2024-01-12T15:27:43.200-0500] [Server] Started
[2024-01-12T15:27:43.389-0500] [Client] Local server has started; attempting to connect to it...
[2024-01-12T15:27:43.498-0500] [Server] Got new client 3 ("Affinity Publisher")
[2024-01-12T15:27:43.499-0500] [Client] Connected to server
[2024-01-12T15:27:49.681-0500] [Client] Stopping IPC connection management
[2024-01-12T15:27:49.682-0500] [Server] Lost client 3
[2024-01-12T15:27:49.682-0500] [Client] Disconnected from server
[2024-01-12T15:27:49.683-0500] [Server] Stopped (reason: LocallyRequested)
[2024-01-12T15:40:02.946-0500] [Client] Starting IPC connection management
[2024-01-12T15:40:02.948-0500] [Client] Attempting to start local server...
[2024-01-12T15:40:02.950-0500] [Server] Started
[2024-01-12T15:40:03.107-0500] [Client] Local server has started; attempting to connect to it...
[2024-01-12T15:40:03.538-0500] [Server] Got new client 4 ("Affinity Publisher")
[2024-01-12T15:40:03.551-0500] [Client] Connected to server


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Update 1/15/24:

Another Sporadic Crash- this time using Affinity Photo. 
‘Applying FX to Text, such as Outline, Shadow… in particular was simply adjusting the settings for applying a Shadow to Text (using both Slider and Number Input), trying to get the best aesthetic Color and amount of shadow… then the App completely crashed. 

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