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[FIXED IN 2.2.1] [KNOWN ISSUE] 2.2 Update stops 'Delete' shortcut (Backspace key) functioning on macOS

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During our version 2.1 release cycle, we identified an issue whereby the 'Delete' shortcut (Backspace key) on macOS remained functional, even when this shortcut was not assigned.

As part of the 2.2 update our team had resolved this issue, such that when unassigning the shortcut, it would no longer function, as expected.

Unfortunately this has caused some unwelcomed consequences for users who do not currently have this shortcut assigned, following the 2.2 update - therefore these users need to reassign the Delete shortcut (Backspace Key), in order to restore this functionality.

To do this, please navigate to Affinity [Photo/Designer/Publisher] 2 > Settings > Shortucts

Here, you can either manually reassign the Delete key Shortcut, or restore the Shortcuts to default settings to resolve the issue.

To reassign the shortcut, select Edit from the second dropdown menu in the top left and ensure the Apply to all checkbox is enabled.
Now, navigate through the Shortcut list, select the Delete shortcut and then hit the Backspace key to assign this as the shortcut.


To restore all shortcuts to default settings, please select the Serif Defaults option on the right side of this dialog.

Please note that restoring Shortcuts will remove any previously custom saved shortcuts, so we only recommend this option to users who are happy using default shortcuts for the Affinity apps.

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The issue "(After upgrading) Backspace is not functional until assigned on Mac" (REF: AF-287) has been fixed by the developers in internal build "".
This fix should soon be available as a customer beta and is planned for inclusion in the next customer release.
Customer beta builds are announced here and you can participate by following these instructions.
If you still experience this problem once you are using that build version (or later) please reply to this thread including @Serif Info Bot to notify us.

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