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Publisher 2.1.0/2.2.0: bug when changing picture dpi x/y oder scaling in % with mouse wheel ...


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Hi everybody!

I have already tried searching the forum for the bug I have noticed, but unfortunately, I have not found anything. Sorry if this bug was already posted by someone else.

It concerns Publisher, and I have noticed the bug since the update to 2.1, and it is still present on 2.2.0.

When I click on a placed image, one can change the dimensions at the top left, below the persona icons (DPI x and y or the scaling in percent). Previously, one could position the mouse cursor over the respective fields, and when scrolling with the mouse wheel, both the values and the image would change in real-time. Now, only the value changes, but the image does not change along with it. Only when you click on the field and confirm the changed value with ENTER the size of the placed image change. However, there is another bug: for example, if one changes the percentage value for X from 100 to 110 and presses ENTER, then the value jumps to 111%, so always by 1 more.

I also observe the same behavior when I select an image frame and want to change the dpi resolution or the scaling in percent of the image at the top left (below the persona icons).

Can anyone else observe this bugs?

And sorry for my english, i am german speaking and my last english lesson was more than 25 years ago ;-)


Edited by HLS
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  • Staff

Hi @HLS welcome to the forums,

I've replicated the issue with the mouse scrolling failing to update the other scaling/DPI values as well as the image and have now logged this with the developers.

The incorrectly jumping values has been logged previously, so I've bumped the existing issue with your report.

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  • 3 months later...
  • Staff

The issue "[Win] Manually changing the % scaling of a placed resource results in unexpected values" (REF: AF-388) has been fixed by the developers in internal build "".
This fix should soon be available as a customer beta and is planned for inclusion in the next customer release.
Customer beta builds are announced here and you can participate by following these instructions.
If you still experience this problem once you are using that build version (or later) please reply to this thread including @Serif Info Bot to notify us.

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