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Publisher 2.1.1 | Photo Persona | Crash on save

Ruslan TV

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iPad 12.9 6th, iOS 16.6.1, Publisher 2.1.1 (same crash on beta 2.2).

Working in Photo Persona.

After certain steps in history it comes to crash when trying autosave or go home. File opened from Files->Dropbox connection.
Check my file and video. If I clear history, works fine.

This bug makes app not suited to my work. Please fix it.


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@Ruslan TVUsing your file I reproduced the types of layers and your workflow shown to get the history entires. As the file doesn't seem to have the last page and objects as shown in your recording. However I haven't experienced any issues so far when returning to the document screen or saving back to the file.

I'm saving locally to iPad storage, have you tried moving your file from Dropbox, then reopen and try the same workflow again?




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Main problem is about this crash: I can't save to you actual file state. You can't save file when it opened on iPad, you have to go "Home". But it leads to crash. If i clear history, it works fine. I published system bug report last time, we discus about this issue here. @Lee D Workflow have nothing special. Copy, paste, transform, draw by pixel brushes, erase, select, undo, layer rearranging, opacity shift that's all.


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