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Designer on macOS — Mission Control hides floated document windows

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When Mission Control is invoked on Mac, any "floated" windows in Designer disappear. While this is expected behaviour for elements like floating tool palettes on the Mac, it should certainly not apply to document windows. I suppose the underlying problem is Affinity's unusual treatment of these windows as auxiliary. In any case, it makes working between documents on a small screen unnecessarily opaque.

Edited by infobahn
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The Affinity programs are clearly made by someone who has developed on Windows for decades, and now seems to try to counter any convention of the Apple UI. The result is not just a matter of different attitude and adaptation, but one of compromised efficiency.


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Yeah I get it is windows first and macos second. So sad, because Im trying hard to adapt my workflow to Affinity suite but after working like 15 years in adobe some of these habits are hard to overcome 😉

Anyway thanks for answear!

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3 hours ago, Jakub M. said:

Im trying hard to adapt my workflow to Affinity suite but after working like 15 years in adobe some of these habits are hard to overcome

I've been working with Adobe programs for nearly 30 years, and would like to adapt to a more modern workflow. Adobe has done several things right (the floating and collapsible palettes!), but also too many things in a very confusing way.

The problem, here, is that it is supposed one will work on a single document at a time. I don't know if this works fine for a designer, but that's not how an editorial process works. Having several documents open at the same time (for reference, multiple contributions, revision, integration, comparison, translation, reuse) is the common rule.

That's one of the reasons of the great success of Apple in the publishing world. Affinity has decided to do the opposite of what made Apple successful in this area.



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