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Publisher V2 Datamerger no longer detects line breaks

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I made a workflow to generate brochures and handouts with the comapny's address using data merger in Publisher V1 and it was able to detect line breaks so when I generated it would do the bullet points and line breaks for me just as I put it in the excel file.

but now moving over to V2, it no longer detects line breaks from my excel file. Instead it opts in for word wrapping. I tried using CSV, TSV, JSON and nothing worked.

Is there any way to fix this? I really don't want to roll back everything I've done so far back to V1 if I can help it.

The one with the black marker is the data merge field from Publisher V1 and the only is from V2.

Thank you so much your time and reading this!

Edit* Forgot to be polite

Screenshot 2023-02-15 124036.png


Edited by Snorelaxing
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