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feather unavailable for vectors?? plus other bugs

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I think this is a bug so Ive entered it under bugs just in case. however, in the event its not a bug and just a hard to use UI I thought Id post here to see if anyone can tell me why I would not be able to feather a selected vector.

Please see the image. I created an oval, selected it and then wanted to feather. first of all this is a simple thing that is normally not hidden under a submenu in other applications I use so I really had to hunt for where "feather" was buried. after finding it was not happy to find it was also greyed out as was almost everything else.

but then this is not the only problem Ive been having with the application. I have not put the following items in the bug catcher yet but thinking maybe Id query folks to see if you had same experiences.

when I opened this file which has a lot of layers by dbl clicking from the folder on my computer many of the layers were not in the layers menu. yet, if I close the file and then opened it from inside affinity design the layers were all there. 

in addition when I select an item in the layers menu SOMETIMES I can "copy" and "paste" the item and sometimes I have to first elect to "duplicate" instead. After duplicating the ability to copy and paste returns. this is no constant but random.

Please see attached for feathering issue.


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I'm no expert. I do not represent anyone. Everything here is my opinion only.

That being said.

I believe the feather you are looking at is for selections only. That's why it is grayed out.


There are more methods available under Photo.

But in designer try this one.

Select your oval.

Select Layer Effects. It is available from the Layers menu, or on the bottom of the layers panel as an fx button, or as a tab next to the layers panel.

Check Gaussian Blur and adjust to taste.

You can also see all the other Layer Effects available, you can pick and choose, use combinations, select them all. Options are open and unlimited.



Hope this helps. Good luck.

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Hi dizeyner,

That Feather command is for pixel selections only as @crabtrem pointed out. It's only available from the Select menu when you are in Pixel Persona.

Currently there is no Feather functionality for vector objects. It's planned but still may take a while until its available. Meanwhile you can use the Gaussian Blur FX effect to create similar effects as @crabtrem also suggested.


Regarding opening the file, i'm not sure what you are seeing (a screenshot of the application with the Layers panel visible in both situations would help) but assuming it's the same file the layers must be the same in both cases.


Can you also post a screenshot of a layer item in the Layers panel that you are having trouble duplicate or a file and tell me the item you are having trouble with?


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