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AP 2.0.0, macOS Ventura 13.0.1, Intel iMac

AP Settings:

  • Retina Rendering: Automatic (Best)
  • Hardware Acceleration: Enable Metal compute acceleration, AMD Radeon Pro 555 (Metal)

When trying to enhance multiple scans from diapositives, AP crashed several times when cropping the image (JPEG):

  1. Cropping with Custom Ratio
  2. Straightening the image by ⌘-dragging the mouse 
  3. Dragging handles to set crop size to eliminate transparent edges: AP crashes

When I restart AP, cropping the same image as before works without crashing AP.

After processing more of such images (without restarting AP each time) AP breaks again at the 5th to 10th image while cropping.

I reported the crashes to Apple and also got several crash reports in Console.




  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @Haffinity,

Thanks for your report and our sincerest apologies for the delayed response here. We are exceptionally busy following the release of V2 and we thank you for your continued patience and understanding here.

I've tried replicating these crashes here but I'm not seeing the same behaviour currently - can you please confirm for me, do these crashes only occur with your scanned images, or does it happen with any JPEG file for you?

I'd also like to request a copy of the crash reports, can you please attach a copy of the latest 2-3 reports here for me?

Many thanks in advance :)


Hi @Dan C,

the delay is fine, I can imagine what is going on at support when you release new versions of your products. 

These crashes happen when I edit multiple images in succession as described above. The adjustments I make before or after cropping are probably pretty common (live denoise, live clarity, live shadows/highlights, HSL, curves, brightness)

As I wrote before: The crashes occur after I have already processed several similar images in mostly very similar ways. After the abort, I can restart AP and continue editing the last image as desired until it "pops" again a few images down the line (always when cropping with straightening).

After writing this bug topic, I changed my workflow: I no longer straighten the images with the Crop Tool, but use the Live Perspective or switch into Develop Persona to apply some rotation in Lens Correction. Finally, I crop the image in the Photo Persona without straighten it.

Unfortunately, macOS has deleted the original crash reports in the meantime and they are apparently not included in Time Machine backups.

That's why I tried to reproduce the aborts again. Today it took me 10 image edits to provoke a crash when cropping.

For reference I append the original image and the recovery file, which was presented after restart of AP.


Affinity Photo 2-2022-12-02-174759.ips MEDIAFIX_IMG48890 recovery file.afphoto


Thank you for the further information and files provided, this is certainly appreciated!

I can see from your crash report that this appears to be 'raster' related, which usually indicates an issue with Metal acceleration/rendering causing the app to 'hitch' and then crash.

Therefore, I'd like to try the following -

Under Affinity Photo 2 > Preferences > Performance, please untick Hardware Acceleration, then change the Renderer from Metal to OpenGL.

Restart the app as prompted, then try and replicate this crash once again for me - does the same issue still occur please? :)


Thank you for trying that for me and I'm sorry to hear this hasn't helped!

I've been testing your files further internally and have yet to come across a crash within the app, however I have noticed the following on Windows:

Before Straighten -


After Straighten - 


I suspect this is the reason the file is crashing on your end - but I've certainly not seen an issue like this previously.

Are you able to provide a copy of one of these images, in a zipped folder for me? I appreciate you have provided a source file above, however in directly uploading it to the forums the metadata in the image has changed, and I'm hopeful the metadata from the file may provide more insight as to the cause.

Can you also please confirm for me, how are you scanning these images onto your mac, and do you perform any other steps with the files before loading in Affinity?

Many thanks once again :)


Hi Dan,

a service provider, not myself, has scanned the slides (several hundred), some of which are over 40 years old. The results are mostly unsatisfactory (garbage in - garbage out). I was asked by the disappointed client to save the stuff to some extent and she gave me an USB stick with the scan results.

There was no preprocessing outside AP. I just used the application FastRawViewer (LibRaw LLC) to select the images where enhancement might be worthwhile and sent the images in groups of 5 to 10 to AP where they were opened in tabs. Then for each tab in AP:

  • I edited the image,
  • I cropped it,
  • I exported it as downscaled jpeg (reducing its file size to ~10%),
  • closed the tab





No problem at all, many thanks for the information & files provided - I'm getting this logged with our developers for further investigation now, as although I'm unable to crash the app, I am able to replicate the above behaviour seen on Windows, on a Mac in the office here and I do suspect this is what's causing the crashes on your end.

I have also found that the same does not occur with the image files within the Photo Persona, so I'd recommend avoiding the Develop Persona crop tool with these files for the time being.

I hope this helps :)

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