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Publisher V2 PDF export error without any clue!

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Publisher V2 on Mac Monterey

I have a 60 page document I urgently need to export complete PDF for production and IT DOES NOT WORK.

I choose standard export, when I do light PDF 72dpi for preview, it stops after 10% of export

if I choose Print preset it stops after 50% export

whatever I do, I only get this error message - NO CLUE WHAT THE PROBLEM IS


Bildschirmfoto 2022-11-18 um 00.48.21.png

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Hey Squirrel

Thank you, this helped. There was 1 specific page left right in the middle of the document, that did not export. When I replaced the image on that page, the complete export worked.

Still no clue what the problem was. It is now the same image file on that page as it was before.

And very bad not getting ANY clue from the PDF export error message.

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21 hours ago, LondonSquirrel said:

Try to export pages 1-30. If that fails, try 1-20, then 1-10, then... And likewise for numbers >30.

Eventually you should be able to locate the page which has a broken element (I use the term element to mean anything that you have added to a completely blank page).

I just had a similar problem, and this really helped find my problem.  I was pulling my hair out trying to find it.. Thank you.

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On 11/18/2022 at 1:09 AM, LondonSquirrel said:

Try to export pages 1-30. If that fails, try 1-20, then 1-10, then... And likewise for numbers >30.

Eventually you should be able to locate the page which has a broken element (I use the term element to mean anything that you have added to a completely blank page).

This helped me, I finally exported the pdf. But the next day, when I opened the file, it didn't work again. How annoying! 

In addition, on some pages the linked images were not displayed at all. Over and over again.

How do I find out which element is broken - but mainly how. It worked before (in Publisher 1), I'm not working with anything new. 

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