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synchronize changes from 1 picture to 200

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I am not sure if this is the answer. I am going to assume a picture per layer, but it works across tabs too.  So make your changes, copy the picture, or more likely you will used the copy merged selection if adjustments are still on separate layers. Then select your other photo layers, and Edit-Paste Style. If you modify using an FX, you can Edit-Paste FX.  I think that's what your looking for. If not, I apologize in advance.  Of course thinking about it, if all your pictures are on layers, then you would just have to place your adjustment layers to the top of the layers panel to affect all below, and selectively show which picture you want seen. If separate saved photos, open them up, adjust one, Edit copy or Edit copy merged, which ever is called for. Select the new photo tab and Edit paste style. Then on to the next tab, and repeat.

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Hi biciclown,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

That's usually accomplished with a workflow software or with macro/actions. Currently Affinity Photo doesn't provide a way to automatically apply the same settings to a large number of photos. There will be a Macro Persona later that may help to accomplish this type of operations. We also announced a DAM (digital assets managements) application for later (to manage images/libraries) that should also provide this functionality.

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