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Though I can create larger files when trying to export them to pdf there seems to be a 200 inch cutoff. I'm trying to export a file that is 341" wide by 153" tall at 300 dpi to a pdf for print. What are my options?


The PDF spec has a limit of 200". There are a couple pdf viewers that can display a pdf above 200", but they are not used by print services (that I know of). The only means of viewing such a pdf greater than 200" in Acrobat/Reader is to set the "user scale," something Serif applications cannot do--and as far as I remember, AI only recently gained the ability to produce pdfs greater than this limit. I believe Acrobat recently gained an action to set user scale, but I don't have access to it at the moment.

There are a couple things you need to discuss with whatever print service will be printing this.

One issue has to do with DPI. For the most part, there is no reason to export at 300 dpi at full size. One should take into account the average viewing distance.

Another issue is the scaling. In general, most large format work is done at a scale that allows the natural display that is under the 200" limit. In your case, 50% scale works.

If the print service would desire a scaled pdf, they just need to know that, in the case of using a 50% scale, the need to double the print scale at print time. 

In combination, if they desire 150 dpi (the max I ever do large format work), the 50% scale using 300 dpi will equal 150 dpi once scaled up.

Taking an average view distance of say 8' into account, there is no need to produce a pdf using greater than 100 dpi once doubled in size.


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