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Designer 1.10.5 / Mac OS 12.5 : Pressing Cmd+P causes Affinity Designer to instantly crash

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Well, it was because I had opened and worked on a .svg. 

Even though I saved it as a .afdesign file, apparently that was enough to cause an error. 

When I copy and pasted the contents into a new .af file, I can print just fine. 

Sigh. Chalk up another Affinity UI bug. 

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Hi @meridian360,

Thanks for your report & I'm glad to hear you're been able to resolve this issue!

7 hours ago, meridian360 said:

it was because I had opened and worked on a .svg. 

Even though I saved it as a .afdesign file, apparently that was enough to cause an error. 

I've certainly not heard of this happening before - are you able to provide a copy of the .SVG file, or the saved .afdesign file before copy and pasting into a new document?

It would also help to see if the app generated any crash reports, as outlined here - 

Many thanks in advance :)

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