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I draw cartoons as a hobby. Over time I've developed a couple of templates that I use to help get me started. I named them "Generic" just to say that I've taken out all of the personal layers that I normally include. I hope you find them helpful.



Cartoon 1 Frame - Generic.aftemplate Cartoon 4 Frame - Generic.aftemplate

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Nice hobby and good to see that you share these! 😀 nice work

There is a message about a missing Din-font tho. Not sure if that font belongs to the design, but otherwise perhaps it's better to remove it or else include it?

If somebody, like me, likes to see a preview before downloading (hope you don't mind):

cartoon 1 frame



cartoon 4 frame



cartoon 9 frame


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Thank you MmmMaarten, much appreciated.

No need to worry about the font, that's my fault for not switching it to a generic first before exporting, that way it would be in the majority of people's systems. Pick what works for you.

Thanks for making the previews, I'm new to posting here, so it didn't dawn on me to do that. Everything in those files is open to change.

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