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Separated Mode unusable due to all kinds of bad window behaviour

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When I try to use Designer in Separated Mode things go bad real quickly. 

These things happen:
- Menu's from menubar stop working (see screenshot), ending all possibilities of saving or quitting safely.

- Document windows do not have toolbars.

- Tools not visible.

- Document windows sometimes don't complete fading when dragging them, leaving them stuck in twighlight zone.


Additional insight:

  • Problems seem to start when trying to access the menubar...
  • I also noticed that the switch to Separated Mode seems to not finish, judging by the menu item which remains white... never seen that before.
  • When switching before opening a document, the menu item does not stay white. This time, the File menu and the Window menu rendered, but the other menubar menus didn't draw themselves.) It is also impossible to bring the app to the front using the Command+TAB shortcut.
  • Maybe of interest. (sometimes the view menu works) When I try to show the Tools or Context Toolbar, the 'traffic light' of the window greys which makes me believe the document window looses focus and a new window, the tools I assume, get focus as a separate window. Although I don't see it anywhere. When I hide the tools again with the menu item the document regains focus.

Basically, this mode is broken beyond usability.

I am using

  • a MacBook Pro 16", 16GB ram
  • Designer 1.10.5
  • On Big Sur 11.6.5
  • Have tried switching from Open GL (Basic) To Metal To Software. I didn't notice improvements.
  • Tried different documents, no change.

I want to use this function so I can present the main document on a big display and on a different display make changes in linked documents so I can do demonstrations of various stages in a user flow. Enabling layers and updating the linked document so the main document shows the new state. I was kinda able to work my way through one short flow, but it is so unstable that the minute I do something more complex then just clicking layers on or off in documents, I loose UI elements, or the app hangs.

Ok, enough time spent on this report for now.

Good luck fixing Separated Mode. 

Screenshot 2022-05-23 at 10.51.35.png

Screenshot 2022-05-23 at 11.07.36.png

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  • Staff

Hi Jorict,

some of what you have described just sounds like separated mode behaving normally such as document windows not having tool bars for example. In regards to your tools not being visible please could you check they aren't hidden behind another window / on another monitor? Unfortunately I can't reproduce the issues shown in your first and fourth points do these issues occur if you enable separated mode on a brand new blank document? If possible could you provide a video screen recording of the feature?


Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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In this setup, there is no extra display connected to the computer, so the Tool windoid has nowhere to hide.
About the toolbar not being there, ok. Didn't know. Noted. 🙂

Below a video of what happens.
This time with a new document.
As soon as I try to interact with the document, the menubar starts behaving irratically, so it seems from this test.

Some menu items still work, others don't.


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