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Reverting a change in Desiger (doble tap) deletes a great part of a pixel layer

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Hello, I was wondering if any of you have ever experienced what I'm seeing and what can possibly go wrong (and maybe it's a bug)?

I have a lot of pixel layers and I draw a lot of lines on them using different brushes. Often I don't like the latest line that I have just drawn, so I use my two figers to go one step back in history, and most of the times that works as it should, however like three times already this gesture (double tap) has resulted in something totally unexpected. Imagine a pixel layer with a lot of previously drawn lines, I draw a new one, double tap, and then all of a sudden BAM like most of the OTHER lines disappear, leaving only a very small part of the pixel layer in place, and the removed parts have a square border... As if somebody used a rectangle selection tool and deleted most of the pixel layer. This sudden change is not revertable, if I use three taps again to go back to the last change, the layer doesn't restore itself to its previous state. Most of it is still deleted. If I instead go back in history even more, that doesn't make a diffence either. It's like this layer is corrupted and most of it is just gone. I haven't been able to record this yet because it happens suddenly and when it does, the layer is already gone so I can't show the way it was before. What's this and how can this be prevented???

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi @Vosje,

Thanks for your report and my sincerest apologies for the delayed response here, we were extremely busy over the Christmas period and working from home during the pandemic is unfortunately extending our response window to be longer than normal, many thanks for your continued patience and understanding here.

I can confirm this is a known issue which has been reported for both Affinity Photo and Designer when using Pixel layers on the iPad - this issue is logged with our developers as a bug and I'll be sure to 'bump' this report with them now for you.

Unfortunately there's no suggested solution for this issue currently, we hope to have further information available shortly, my apologies.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
On 12/20/2021 at 1:01 PM, Vosje said:

Hello, I was wondering if any of you have ever experienced what I'm seeing and what can possibly go wrong (and maybe it's a bug)?

I have a lot of pixel layers and I draw a lot of lines on them using different brushes. Often I don't like the latest line that I have just drawn, so I use my two figers to go one step back in history, and most of the times that works as it should, however like three times already this gesture (double tap) has resulted in something totally unexpected. Imagine a pixel layer with a lot of previously drawn lines, I draw a new one, double tap, and then all of a sudden BAM like most of the OTHER lines disappear, leaving only a very small part of the pixel layer in place, and the removed parts have a square border... As if somebody used a rectangle selection tool and deleted most of the pixel layer. This sudden change is not revertable, if I use three taps again to go back to the last change, the layer doesn't restore itself to its previous state. Most of it is still deleted. If I instead go back in history even more, that doesn't make a diffence either. It's like this layer is corrupted and most of it is just gone. I haven't been able to record this yet because it happens suddenly and when it does, the layer is already gone so I can't show the way it was before. What's this and how can this be prevented???

Yess, absolutely also my problem!!!

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  • 5 months later...
On 1/14/2022 at 7:30 PM, Vosje said:

Hi @Dan C, thanks for getting back to me. It's good to know that this is a confirmed issue and I'm at least not the only one experiencing this, I hope this will be fixed in the future.

Hey, just want to let you know, you are not alone. I have this bug using Affinity Photo for iPad Pro and have brought this issue to Dan’s attention as well. My way of working triggers this bug in virtually every file I work on.

Hey @Dan C any news on the horizon regarding this? It has been a while…

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Thanks for bumping this bug report - I can confirm that looking at the development log, our team have been able to determine the cause of this issue and we're working to fix it ASAP, although there is no further estimates from the developers for when this may be fixed, at this time.

We certainly understand how frustrating this can be, so we appreciate your continued patience and understanding here.

I'd recommend reducing the size of your documents / pixel layers in Affinity for iOS, as this appears to occur when the iPad runs out of vRAM, which will occur more often, the larger the document size.

I hope this clears things up!

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Thanks for filling us in, @Dan C

Since my stuff is for print, my options for reducing size are limited. And unfortunately with this bug I tend to need rather more layers as backup in case something gets butchered (which happens all the time)

Is there a way to reduce the resolution of the document without changing the dimensions? I found it to be quite confusing with the "change document" options

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7 hours ago, Dan C said:

our team have been able to determine the cause of this issue and we're working to fix it ASAP

--> Yipppiiieeeee! I hope SO much that this absolutely annoying and disappointing issue will vanish in the (near) future!!!!
--> I am not sure if "RAM" is the real problem? I mean, my iPad Pro has got 4GB of RAM and there are no other RAM-challenging Apps open.

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Apologies for the delayed response,

On 7/19/2022 at 4:34 PM, ericosmosNEW said:

Is there a way to reduce the resolution of the document without changing the dimensions?

You can reduce the DPI of your document, without changing the physical dimensions - which should allow for physically larger canvas/layer sizes, before hitting the vRAM limit :)

On 7/19/2022 at 5:51 PM, Marina P. said:

I am not sure if "RAM" is the real problem? I mean, my iPad Pro has got 4GB of RAM and there are no other RAM-challenging Apps open

There is a difference between 'RAM' and 'vRAM' - RAM is the memory that your CPU has access to for volatile data, vRAM is the memory that the GPU has access to, and it's when the vRAM limit is hit that is issue occurs, not the RAM limit.

I hope this helps!

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On 7/21/2022 at 1:23 PM, Dan C said:

There is a difference between 'RAM' and 'vRAM' - RAM is the memory that your CPU has access to for volatile data, vRAM is the memory that the GPU has access to, and it's when the vRAM limit is hit that is issue occurs, not the RAM limit.

Ah, now I understand this, thank you for the explanation! I hope the developpers will fix this problem soon!

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  • 3 months later...

I'm having this same problem! It's so hard to describe and I'm glad that others were able to explain and get some visual proof. Is there any kind of update on when this fix will be delivered? Changing resolution or file size is not an option. I love affinity and love that I can work between the iPad and desktop versions however if this continues to be a problem I simply can't continue with affinity photo. I lose too much work and it's too unpredictable.

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Hey Doris,

since I have already reported this bug in August 2021 I am not having much hope anymore 🤷‍♂️

It has been replicated, reported to the developers , whatelse is needed for this to be fixed ... I don't know...

But hey! We will have Affinity Publisher for iPad soon! So...Yippie! ... I guess ... 😒

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