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So if I hit v on my keyboard the move tool is activated. However, if I hit v again my tool changes to the tool I had activated previously. So every time you hit the same keyboard shortcut it toggles to the previous tool you had used. 

How do I disable this toggling? Like, I just want to hit v and have my move tool selected. I dont want to hit v again and have the app change to my previous tool I had used. It messes up my workflow big time. Ill have the zoom tool selected, then ill hit v to get to my move tool, and then when i hit v again to get my move tool and start dragging on my canvas to move something the app zooms me in because it had toggled my tool just for pressing the v for the move tool. Its very frustrating. How do I turn this off?

Thank you.


I found the solution. I had to go into my preferences, go into my tools, and check the box that reads "use shift modifier to cycle tools." 

I dont know why by default this is not turned on. It should be turned on because this is very confusing and annoying. What is this logic of hitting the same keyboard shortcut will toggle into the previous tool you had selected. Like? For reals! What is this logic? Whos logic is this? I want to know. If I wanted that previous tool I would have hit the keyboard shortcut for that previous tool. I dont need that tool. Like? It makes no sense to have my tools toggle for hitting the same keyboard shortcut. I get that it might help users who are toggling between 2 tools but dont make it the default for everybody. Have them turn on toggling if they need it. 

@MEBFrom here on out the "use shift modifier to cycle tools" needs to be turned on by default for new users.


@BofGI'm a new user and this should not be a new users reaction. We shouldn't be acting confused and annoyed when opening the program and hitting the same keyboard shortcuts toggles our tools. It was so confusing and so annoying that I honestly had second thoughts about asking for a refund if this was how it was going to be because this is just not the way to work. And as a new user I feel like I'm being blamed by everybody for "not getting used to it."  Luckily, theres a setting that can turn it off but it should be a setting that can turn it on because this should not be the default. And if it IS the way to work then let me learn more about, let me try it out, dont turn it on for me, and dont force me to work this way when I first open the app. And if you do still trip up then you havent gotten used to it. It still disrupts your workflow. 

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