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Affinity Photo 1.10.0 / macOS 10.15.2

We use (equirectangular) live projection a lot.
In our workflow we're often switching between a projected layer and unprojected layers. And we need to sync the projection parameters of several layers.
So we often select a layer and then choose "Edit Live Projection" in the context bar.

Whenever we do this, we see the default values (90°, 90°,75°,0°), even if the settings were previously changed.
In order for the fields to display the actual values, we need to manipulate one field and then CMD-Z to see all the right values.

Expected behaviour: upon clicking "Edit Live Projection", we should immediately see the current values.

And while we're at it: it would be really great if we could apply Live Projection to a whole group :)




Welcome to the forums @jwunderling

7 minutes ago, jwunderling said:

Affinity Photo 1.10.0

You seem to be using an old version of the software – version 1.10.4 is the current release.
Have you tried upgrading to the latest version and seeing if the issue has already been resolved?

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