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When you open a FITS file, the metadata panel doesn't display all the FITS data, only EXIF data.

So important data like photometric and spatial calibration information, image origin metadata, location data, are not available.

Which also means theres no data to drive the 'Location' view in the Develop persona or elsewhere.

Also, in the Metadata panel, if you select 'Detail', AP only displays EXIF data,
and the Resolution unit is INCHES - not pixels - which is definitely not correct :)





Thanks Chris,

Sorry, I should have included a few screen grabs to explain what I mean ...
See attached, these show each of the metadata padres for an unedited FITs file straight from my astro setup.

What I meant was that the AP Metadata panel doesn't display any of the FITS data - Exposure, Location. Sensor Temperature, Gain, Binning, Camera, RA & Dec, etc.

See attached #7 - this is what you'd normally expect to see in the FITs metadata panel.
IMHO you need a separate panel for that - and AP is smart enough to know its displaying a FITS file.

As far as the Resolution Unit, in the screen grab #5 attached, you'll see the X & Y image dimensions, and the 'Resolution Unit = 'inches'.
I understand that this field obeys the JPEG file convention, but this is a FITS file, and the value "inches" has no meaning here - that should be 'pixels.




1. File.png

2. Exif.png

3. IPTC (Image).png

4. IPTC (Contact).png

5. Rights.png

6. Detail.png

7. RAW Data.png

8. FITS Metadata.png


Thanks Chris,

IMHO there also needs to be another panel to display FITS metadata - which is needed to support astrophotography images,
see the example "Comment (Legacy)" in the screenshot above.



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