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Regarding the uploaded image of the color wheel, I used curves to remove red using curves  a child layer. The info panel indicates R = 0 for the region in question. However, when selecting color range of red, as can be seen, the area that was red was selected. The same behavior is observed if an alpha adjustment was made instead of a color one, selecting on alpha range will also show the parents alpha, as IF THE CHILD CURVE LAYER IS COMPLETELY IGNORED. Behavior is similar if channel mixer is used on the alpha channel. While the picture does not show, if a merge visible layer was created above, selection of color range and alpha range works as expected.

I've also attached the appropriate on-line help section and the area I highlighted in yellow suggests that the adjustment layer should have an affect on the selection.

If the behavior is as designed, then I suggest the help screen be modified to more clearly describe the behavior.






 I do think you are missing something, perhaps my explanation was not clear. I will use Camtasia to record what I do and will submit. I asked Dave Straker (Inaffinity) to validate and he also thought it was a bug. In sometime I will record.


I should have also stated I am  using 1.10 on Catalina. In the video I show that selecting Red on the parent layer (whose child is the curve sans red) still selects red.

I then show a merge visible and select red of course does not pick the original red.

Hope this is clear now.

I found this "bug" when I was playing with channel mixer to reduce the alpha channel. So select alpha range behaves similarly.


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