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I have AD version 1.10.0 for MacOS from the App Store. I noticed when I export text to SVG, the text appears broken into multiple pieces which are not necessarily in the correct position.  To see the issue, type some text on the page; I used the Frame Text Tool. Export to SVG and inspect the contents.  I typed the word Volunteer and get this result:

<text x="498.994px" y="1099.38px" style="font-family:'ArialMT', 'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:146.125px;">V<tspan x="588.396px 669.663px " y="1099.38px 1099.38px ">ol</tspan>unteer</text>

You can see that the word Volunteer has been broken into 3 pieces, the V + ol + unteer.  I can see that this might be an attempt to preserve font kerning. But it has at the opposite effect if you open this file in other applications. Is there a way to prevent the exporter from breaking text strings like this?

  • Staff

Hi leetncamp,

There is an option on the SVG Export dialog (under 'More') called 'Longer Text Spans. This is intended to keep words together as opposed to break them up to retain the same look.

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