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I don't know if this qualifies as a bug or not, but what I'm experiencing is the exact opposite of what I anticipated with this latest update. Instead of being more fast and stable. Working on a relatively small document (1920x1080 px) with a few live filters and adjustments, combined with active text, I've crashed once, and has significant sluggishness while working on this document.

If you look at this video, you can see how slow the filter and adjustment layers are to react when I turn them off and back on again. Also, the redraw when I zoom in is back to what I saw in version 1.6 and before. I know it's not my computer, because it's a fairly recent macbook with plenty of RAM and a reasonable graphics card, but none of that should matter, because I never experienced this with version 1.9. My performance in significantly worse with this latest upgrade. 

Of course, any thoughts or ideas on how to remedy this for myself are welcome.


Screen Shot 2021-08-08 at 10.57.14 AM.png

Screen Shot 2021-08-08 at 10.50.07 AM.png

Live Filter Test - SPEED.afphoto

2 hours ago, MEB said:

Can you post a screenshot of the Performance section in Affinity Preferences please?

It's definitely not turned on, mostly because I don't have the slightest idea how anything in that tab works, and didn't want to mess with it in case I broke something. 



Screen Shot 2021-08-09 at 2.29.31 AM.png

  • Staff

Hi @daveconrey,
Thanks for the screenshot. You can switch the Display dropdown to Metal, tick Enable Metal compute acceleration and tick Use precise clipping. Your system is more than capable, not sure why its set to Open GL/hardware acceleration disabled. Note this will not fix the issues you are experiencing with this file (actually some adjustments/filters won't render properly/at all) but should improve application's performance considerably. I will log the file's issues.

16 minutes ago, MEB said:

(actually some adjustments/filters won't render properly/at all)

Any chance you could give more clarity on this? I am noticing now that those same filters/adjustments are not producing the same effect (which is a bit of bummer, because I was really digging the result). I'm just curious why this would change the functionality of the different filters or adjustments. 


  • Staff

Hi Dave,
Yes, that's what i was trying to warn you about (thus the info between parenthesis). If everything were working as it should the file should render/look the same as you demoed in your video with hardware acceleration enabled, just way faster. However due to a bug in the compositing when hardware acceleration is enabled it fails to render properly (some effects are missing as you noticed) - that's why I'm passing the file to the developers so they can check and fix the issue.

Meanwhile it's better to untick Enable Metal compute acceleration (leave the other settings as they are) so you can at least see the file as it's supposed to be rendered although way slower until this bug is fixed.

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