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When testing the v1.10 beta, I reported that FITs were imported in grayscale when creating a 'normal' stack, but were imported as RGB when creating a Astrophotography stack.

I've just upgraded to the full v1.10 release, and notice that now it doesnt allow you to import FITs at all if you want to create normal stack.

This is really important for astrophotography work for aligning planetary images - you often want to import the stacks WITHOUT aligning them because planets rotate and you often want to preserve the rotation, or for example when aligning images of an eclipse, you want to create the stack and align the images manually because the object changes with every frame, Affinity just can't align them.

You COULD import FITs into normal stack in the v1.10 beta, although the FITs imported as grayscale - meaning you needed to use another app to convert them to TIFF first - tedious and unnecessary - I can do this in Photoshop.

1. Why has the ability to import FITS into a normal stack been dropped in the full version of v1.10 ?

2. What can't I import FITS now when I could in the beta

3. Will you reinstate the ability to import FITS into a normal stack - with support for colour ?



Hi MEB :)

Many thanks for your post ...

I tested this when I first updated from the v1.10 beta to the full release of v1.10 ...
When I clicked 'Add', it took me to the file browser, and when I navigated to a folder containing FITS files, they were all grayed out,
so I couldn't select FITS to import into the stack. I tried this multiple times and it always behaved the same way.

I tried again just now and it works !
I have no idea what has changed - the only thing I've done is remove the old beta and restarted my Mac.

BUT - AP still behaves the same as the beta - it imports FITS into 'New Stack ...' as greyscale - not colour.

If I use the 'Open' command to open the same FITS files, then AP DOES import individual images as colour - but when I use 'New Stack ...', it does not.

If I use 'New Astrophotography Stack ...' with the same FITS files, AP DOES import in colour.

SO - the full release seems to work exactly the same as the beta.

The only other comment I'd make is that AP needs to display a progress bar when importing files ...
I'm importing 700 FITs into a new stack and there is no indication whether AP is doing anything or not.

Many thanks for following up on this ...




Thanks for the speedy reply :)

I've submitted a few posts on this topic ...

Being able to import FITS into a stack to ALIGN then without integrating them is really important for planetary imaging.

I cant imaging that AP is intended to import FITS into a (non-astroimaging) stack as greyscale.

Look forward to your feedback ...




No worries - perhaps its something to do with how AP assigns a colour profile to the FITS file.

It works fine on jpegs etc that already have a colour profile in them.

Just a thought ...




  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/9/2021 at 11:09 AM, Gary.JONES said:

I tested this when I first updated from the v1.10 beta to the full release of v1.10 ...

When I clicked 'Add', it took me to the file browser, and when I navigated to a folder containing FITS files, they were all grayed out,
so I couldn't select FITS to import into the stack. I tried this multiple times and it always behaved the same way.

I tried again just now and it works !
I have no idea what has changed - the only thing I've done is remove the old beta and restarted my Mac.

I have the same problem: Cant import FITs files to my stack in AP. Any hints what to do?2

Thank you



Hi Rico,

When you try to import a FITS file, what happens ?

Are you using the full release of v1.10 - or the beta ?

It works fine for me, for ordinary and astro stacks.




Thank you for your fast answer.

Im working with the full version, not Beta.

- start Affinity Photo
- open new project
- select Stack
- open files in iCloud
- choose the directory in iCloud
- all files are visible but only JPG are able to select, all FIT-files are deactivated, im not able to select them


I'm not quite sure what you mean by 'Open new project' ?

I assume you're using a Mac ?

First of all, try copying some FITS files to your local drive, just to eliminate any possibility of issues with iCloud.

What happens if you launch AP, then :-

1. just use 'Open' to open a FITS file ?

2. select 'Create new Stack' and try to add a FITS file ?

3. select 'New Astrophotography Stack' and try to add FITS files ?


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