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I'm Using 1.10 designer on windows 10 The line size is modified badly on some objects when exporting on svg format (exportation quality).


Step by step:

1) Draw a square, with line size about 10 pts.  ok

2) Duplicate the square move it and convert to curves, OK

3) Duplicate the new curve, move it and move a nod with the node tool curve, so the square is no more the same  square.

3) Export the document as pdf: Everything looks fine

4) Export the document as svg, with export quality. problem show on modified curve.

5) Export the document to svg high quality is fine.


I have the same problem with my ipad pro 12,9 last generation.

Bug1.afdesign Bug3.svg Bug1.pdf Bug2.svg

  • Staff

Hi GrandSchtroumpf,

This is an issue we're aware of, and isn't actually new to 1.10. I'll pass your comments on and get it bumped with development.
But in the meantime if you tick 'Flatten Transforms' in 'More' options you should find it will export correctly. It is the transformation that is being applied on export causing the stretching when rendered.

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