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Stock Doesn't Scroll Past First Page If Docked To Left Side Of Screen - Affinity v1.9.2.1035

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Hi Affinity,

I'm fairly certain I found an issue that can be solved quickly, although it appears the sock image viewer already had bugs crashing the app for many users. If the STOCK image fetcher doesn't have scroll bars it won't fetch more images upon scrolling down. 

As you can see in the attached photo that I moved the stock panel to the left side so I could drop it into the layer panel directly where the image should be placed.

To my surprise it seems that if the window doesn't have a scroll bar then it won't fetch more images.

This was confirmed by undocking the STOCK tab to a floating doc as you can see in the 2nd screenshot, resizing the height a little smaller until the scrollbar appeared. Once I did that it fetched more images upon scrolling down.

Aside from the STOCK dock being a bit buggy, it looks to me that the STOCK image fetcher should exclusively have the scroll bars visible under all conditions or else it will never trigger the fetch more images function apparently tied to it.

As always Affinity Designer is lightyears ahead of my Inkscape bottlenecked workflow and have appreciated the quality and effort put into developing and making available to us a program that allows us to remain in our creative zone.

Thank you





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