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Placing lots of small vectors

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New to affinity and have a general question.

I need to place a lot (100's) of a single small vector. Is there a way to place them each with a single click?

Copy/Paste puts the vector in the same place always and then I'd have to move it into place.

I tried making a brush, but wasn't completely successful. It didn't always place on first click, and the object looked a little warped.

Is there a better method?

Thanks in advance.

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Welcome to the forums @static
If you can give us a visual example of what your “small vectors” look like, and give us more detail about their relative placements, then someone may be able to give you some ideas.
P.S. None of the brushes in the Affinity applications produce a vector result, the result is always a raster.

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Hello @static. If you only want to arrange them like a grid, you can place one, select it, press CTRL+J to duplicate it, and then move it into place. When you press CTRL+J again (without deselecting it or clicking anything else), it will automatically move it by the same distance. And then you just press CTRL+J again and again until you reach the edge of the layout. Then you can select the whole row and do the same thing vertically. Unfortunatelly, there is no vector pattern feature in Affinity, so this is the quickest method I've found so far. (Though if it doesn't have to be vector, you can make a bitmap pattern out of it.)

This power duplicate feature can also repeat rotation and scaling the object. But if you want a randomly scattered layout, I'm not sure you can do it with this method, I have no idea how to do that.

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